Lockdown till May 3

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How to reduce the problem is the question Pm Modi said. The people and the rulers in the state have suggested that the lockdown should be extended.

Taking all the suggestion into consideration. The lockdown will continue till May 3. We must be under the lockdown till May 3 and see that the Corona is arrested.

He appealed to the people of India to continue the lockdown till May 3. At any cost, we must see that Corona does not enter the new areas. It is a big issue if the cases increase he said.

If anyone dies the problem still continues he opined. We must see that Hotspots do not increase. New hotspots should not be coming he suggested.

We must be vigilant and see that no new cases are added he said. The lockdown will is very strictly observed and that the people must cooperate he suggested.

The results of the lockdown will be identified from time to time he said. If the Corona comes down some lockdown will be removed from April 20th he said.

But there will be restrictions he stated.

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