Eat phalli or groundnuts daily

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Health experts, in general, say that one must eat nuts to for keeping good health and that nuts are very good for Heart. But one must eat nuts without peeling the skin. The skin of nuts which is in pink colour has got all the medicinal properties. There are old people who just survive on some phalli and milk for the day. Even Mahatma Gandhi used to survive on goat milk and Phalli for days together.

1. Daily the intake of some phalli in boiled form or roasted is good for the heart.
2. Do not peel away the skin, eat them with skin on. The skin has medicinal properties.
3. The nuts have all the antioxidants in them.
4. The manganese present in nuts improves immunity in the body.
5. The scientists have proved that the consumption of nuts will prevent the strokes.
6. Phalli can be taken in the form of snack in the evenings. You can take them any time.
7. Phalli with Jaggery in the form for chikky called as phalli phatti is also very good for health.
8. The sportsmen must take Phalli as it improves the stamina.


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